Eagle View
1054 Liswood Road
Haliburton, ON
K0M 1M0
Frequently Asked Questions
We want your guests to have an incredible day too!
We've prepared these FAQs to help them navigate your day.
Is there an ATM on site?
There is not an ATM on site but we accept cash, debit and credit.
Where is the closest gas station?
The closest gas station, 4 minutes away from Eagle View, is located at the Eagle Lake Country Market (hours change seasonally).
Gas is also located in Minden on HWY 35, and Haliburton at Independent Grocer.
Is there parking available on site?
Yes, Eagle View Offers a very large complimentary parking lot.
Can I leave my car overnight?
Absolutely, cars need to be picked-up by 12:00 pm the following day.
Are there taxis available?
Yes, Hyland Taxi 705-457-1777.
Is there a bar available at Eagle View?
There is a large updated bar within the venue, and a large outdoor space to enjoy cocktails on our terrace. We are proud to offer a variety of beers, cocktails, liquors and much more.
Can I bring my own alcohol?
Eagle View has a zero tolerance policy for alcohol being brought in from offsite. Any unlicensed drinks will be confiscated immediately.
What should I do if I have an allergy or dietary request?
You should have the opportunity to communicate dietary requests through the wedding invitation. If it was missed or you have something specific you would like to request, you can email us directly at If your allergies are severe and you are more comfortable providing your own meal we are happy to accommodate.
When should I arrive on the wedding day?
To ensure guests are at the top of the hill on time, we recommend arriving 60 minutes prior to ceremony. Ceremony time should be found on your invitation.
If guests are attending reception only, the doors will be open to the event 45 minutes prior to start.
Is there a dress code at Eagle View?
Attire will depend on the wishes of the happy couple. Please dress accordingly, depending on time of year and if the ceremony & reception are indoor/outdoor (this information should be found on your invitation).
Are there additional accommodations close to Eagle View?
You can find many accommodation options close by on the Haliburton County Tourism website here.
Is Eagle View wheelchair accessible?
We are wheelchair accessible, however, it is an outdoor setting so we advise someone to be available to assist any persons with limited mobility.
What should I know about Eagle Lake/Haliburton, Ontario?
We welcome you to visit our local tourism website for more information about where you can stay, eat and be entertained offsite. Check it out here.